Attention Ladies: What’s in Your Bag
Have you been dealing with pain in your neck, back or shoulder? Well guess what! It could possibly be that favorite accessory that most of us women love known as the PURSE. Have you noticed that over the past few years those purses are being manufactured much larger than ever before? What used to be considered the size of a mother’s baby diaper bag has somehow transitioned into our everyday carrying bag. These large compartment bags are allowing women to carry literally almost everything “but the kitchen sink”! Did you know that some of your favorite designer bags can start off weighing as much as 5 pounds? This is because of the decorative metals used. Here are some tips in avoiding risk of “Handbag Syndrome”
- Lighten the load (Ideally, your purse should weigh no more than 10 pounds or 10% of your body
weight.) If over 10 pounds it’s best to find a bag that has double straps designed like a back pack to even distrubute the weight. Bags with wider straps are better or consider a smaller purse.
- Switch sides periodically to avoid overuse and strain of muscles.
- Avoid carrying bag in crook of your arm (this has become a carrying trend that is causing shoulder problems, inflamed tendons and even torn muscles!)
Hopefully, with these tips you will be on your way to a pain free purse carrying lifestyle. After a few weeks of making these changes and your pain symptoms have not resolved then make an appointment
with one of our Physical Therapist at Rehab Associates of Central Va. 855-RACV4PT (855-722-8478).
We ARE Physical Therapy…Our Goal is Your Success!
Contributed by: Gwendolyn Gathers, LPTA …Have you weighed your purse lately?