Geriatric Physical therapy
The human body goes through a number of changes as one grows older. A decline in muscle mass and bone density can lead to muscle fatigue and joint pain. There is good news. Seniors can remain physically active and lead happy, healthy and productive lives with the help of physical therapy. Exercise in a safe, controlled environment under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist, goes a long way to improving the quality of life.
Rehab Associates specializes in geriatric conditioning and rehabilitation, including wheelchair seating and Fall Risk & Prevention education and training.
A Fall Risk & Prevention Program is often used to complete a patient’s Vestibular Program by retraining him or her to achieve full function and stability. Such programs have been successful for geriatric patients and also for those who have become debilitated due to a disease or accident.
Our Fall Risk & Prevention Program includes the SoloStep Harness System, which prevents falls while challenging the patient’s balance. Patients respond more quickly to treatment when put in the SoloStep, because their fear of falling is taken away.
The goal of physical therapy with the aging adult is to reduce pain, increase mobility, and restore function, as well as increase fitness levels by providing patients with an individualized exercise program. The mission of geriatric physical therapy is to help adults remain independent and “age in place”. This is done with the use of exercise, patient education, and manual therapy techniques.
Geriatric specialists are able to evaluate and treat conditions related to aging such as:
- Arthritis
- Stroke
- Osteoporosis/osteopenia
- Cancer
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Joint replacements
- Balance disorders
- Orthopedic injuries/surgery
- Vestibular disorders